Plan on joining Michael at the Planning and Zoning meeting tonight at 5 pm, Village Hall. It is always the 1sr Thursday of the month. Michael as many of you know, is the Chairman for the Angel Fire Planning and Zoning Commission. In talking to Michael about this year's look at permits for new builds and remodeling he offers the following stats:
"We have a total of 112 permits for the year. 12 were for new construction of single family homes, one has been for commercial construction and the rest have been for remodels/restorations of existing properties."
This clearly shows the trend for people not to build new, but use their dollars towards upgrading their current homes. This tells buyers who are looking for a home in the area, to take a look at older homes who need TLC, as in the current market conditions, they are a much better value on price per square foot.
New construction in Angel Fire runs $200.00 per square foot! Need I say more!